Meetings are a crucial part of professional life. However, sometimes they can become tense and difficult to manage. When this happens, it is essential to have effective strategies to resolve conflicts and maintain a collaborative and respectful environment.

It can be surprisingly simple to bring order to a chaotic meeting if you know how. Perhaps you may not encounter an angry mob shouting in the meeting, but there are plenty of crises that can arise when a meeting goes off the rails (e.g., monologues where no one listens, battles of interests, hidden agendas, lack of order leading to more real conflicts, people feeling humiliated, etc.).

In this article, we will explore various techniques that will help you handle and resolve tense meetings constructively.

  1. Preparation and Setting Norms:

Good preparation and setting clear norms are crucial to prevent meetings from becoming tense. Before the meeting, define its objectives and scope, and communicate them to all participants. Additionally, establish rules of conduct and respect, ensuring that everyone is aware of them.

  1. Active Listening and Empathy:

Active listening and empathy are essential skills for resolving conflicts in a tense meeting. Make sure to pay attention to each participant and demonstrate genuine interest in their viewpoints. This involves listening without interrupting, asking clear questions to clarify any misunderstandings, and paraphrasing comments to ensure proper understanding.

Empathy also plays a crucial role. Try to put yourself in others’ shoes and understand their concerns and perspectives. Acknowledge the emotions present in the room and validate the participants’ feelings. By showing empathy, you create a more conducive atmosphere for conflict resolution and foster collaboration.

  1. Focus on Common Interests:

Instead of dwelling on differences and opposing stances, try to find common interests among the participants. Identify points of agreement and work from there. Establish shared goals and a focus on solutions that benefit everyone, which can help defuse tension and encourage cooperation.

If emotions escalate, remind participants of the shared objectives and how conflict resolution can benefit all. Avoid getting into personal debates or endless discussions and keep the focus on finding concrete solutions.

  1. Generating Alternatives and Seeking Compromise:

When a meeting becomes tense, it is essential to generate alternatives and seek compromises. Encourage participants to propose creative solutions and foster collaboration rather than competition. Explore different options and discuss the pros and cons of each.

You may have to facilitate the decision-making process and help participants find acceptable middle grounds. Promote flexibility and the exchange of ideas, always remembering that the goal is to find a solution that satisfies everyone involved.

  1. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Meeting Content:

If the meeting becomes unruly, try to refocus it on the process:

  • Interrupt the Chaos: You can change the emotions of a meeting by altering its tempo. You may need to raise your voice a bit to gain attention, but as soon as you have it, transition to speaking slowly and with a lower tone.
  • Shift the Focus to the Process: Shift the discussion from the debated problem to how the resolution process is being handled. Explain how ineffective it is but avoid shaming anyone. When everyone is aware of the problem, they will be committed to solving it.
  • Propose a Structure: Ensure that everyone feels they will be heard and able to explain their viewpoints fully.
  • Honor Agreements: Even with the new structure, persistent emotions may lead some to cross boundaries. If this happens, do not attack the person but remind everyone of the agreed process and ask if they are willing to continue following it.

In conclusion, resolving a tense meeting requires effective communication skills, empathy, and a problem-solving mindset. Proper preparation and setting clear norms are fundamental, and having the guidance of an external professional with an objective view can be highly beneficial. Active listening, seeking common interests, generating alternatives, and focusing on the decision-making process are key strategies for managing conflict situations.

Remember that each meeting is an opportunity to learn and improve teamwork dynamics. Stay calm, be respectful, and seek collaborative solutions. By doing so, you can transform a tense meeting into an opportunity for growth and the building of stronger relationships among participants.


Written by Jorge Lluch, Senior Advisor at Closa Capital